夏天到了,各種戶外的活動也慢慢的開始了。自從 Da 參加 Boy scouts 之後,也認識了一些喜歡帶小孩子一起出去的家長。剛好這一次有朋友在半年就先預約好了一個營地,於是我跟 Da 就一起跟去享受戶外的生活囉~~
這次去的是一個叫 Big Sur 的州立公園,這個公園位於加州海邊 1 號公路邊,依山傍海,既可以到山間小路去 hiking ,也可以帶小孩到海邊去玩沙,也難怪這裡的營地會這麼難預約了。看來我得要開始研究各個營地的線上預約系統,至少也要為明年的露營活動開始做準備囉~~~
下面這是公司同事整理的露營地的資訊,先 PO 在這裡以便之後方便查詢囉~~~
1. Andrew Molera State Park
Walk 1/3rd of mile after parking. 24 walk-in sites. Limit 4 people per site. Very nice hiking nearby. 20 miles south of Carmel.
Table, campfire ring, flush toilet, no showers
2. Limekiln Beach State Park
Right off Hwy 1. 13 sites. Available for reservation. Typically available on walk-in. Limit 8 people and 2 vehicles per site. 56 miles south of Carmel.
Table, campfire ring, flush toilet, showers
3. Plaskett Creek Campground
Right off Hwy 1. 41 sites total, ~18 walk-in sites. 2 vehicles per site. 59 miles south of Carmel.
Table, campfire ring, flush toilet, no showers
4. Kirk Creek Campground
Right off Hwy 1. 33 sites total, ~17 walk-in sites. 54 miles south of Carmel.
Table, campfire ring, vault toilet, no showers