小孩子都希望能快點長大(我們卻希望時間如果能停止,該有多好啊~~)。對於 Da 這年紀的小孩來說,開始換牙就是 ”長大”的象徵之一。大約兩三個星期前, Da 就發現他有一顆牙齒開始搖晃了,頓時他臉上也展現出驕傲,他終於也將要變成”正港的大哥哥”了。
今天下班回家,他就一直說他的牙齒搖得很厲害,可以左搖右搖,也可以前後搖動。雖然距離我上次換牙已經是 30 幾年前的事,總覺得應該是差不多了。記得小時候,老媽都是在牙齒上面綁條線,突然用力一扯就搞定了。我也試了兩次把牙線綑在牙齒上,無奈牙齒太小,實在綁不好。索性心裡一橫,用兩個指甲捏住牙根,用力一拉,還真的被我拉下來了耶~~哈哈~~~~挺有成就感的優~~~
Rita 實在很貼心,他告訴 Da 說,睡覺的時候要把牙齒放在枕頭下面。等 Da 第二天醒來,枕頭邊就放著一包糖果跟一封信:
Dear Darren,
Last night when I was in San Jose, California, I flew in and looked in the Angry Bird pillow. I found the tooth that you left for me there. What a fine tooth it is! The best of my collection, I think.
Loosing a tooth means that you are growing up and will have many new experiences to look forward to. Your baby teeth will fall out to make way for your grown up teeth.
Darren, you must take care of your grown up teeth so you will have them for the rest of your life. This means that you brush them well and eat nutritious foods. Do not eat too much candy!
To thank you for laving such a fine and important tooth for me I have left a little something for you, too.
You can only eat it on Fridays. ^_^
Your Special Friend,
The Tooth Fairy
每個在美國長大的小孩都知道 Tooth Fairy 的故事,就像他們相信聖誕老公公一樣。也因為父母的努力,更讓這些小孩相信,他們就生長在一個充滿驚奇與歡樂的世界裡~~
好棒的一封信, 看得我熱淚盈眶啊~~~